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Are You Really Ready For An Ibogaine Treatment?

Is Ibogaine a Miracle Cure For Opioid Addiction?

Ibogaine has gotten a reputation as a miracle cure – especially for opioid addiction. People think they can take one treatment to resolve their drug problem, return home, and get back to business as usual. This is simply not the case. If you’re looking for a miracle cure to treat an addiction to heroin or prescription opioids –There isn’t one.

There is no simple magic solution that will instantly change your life after you have had a problem with hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, alcohol or opioid addiction. If you want to experience lasting freedom and learn how to enjoy a sober lifestyle, there is work to be done.

An Ibogaine Treatment is Only the Beginning of Your Recovery Journey

It’s no surprise that people are touting ibogaine treatment as a miracle cure. In the addiction treatment industry, there is nothing like it. Research shows that this psychedelic plant medicine can eliminate drug cravings for three to six months after just one treatment. In some cases, cravings never return. Also, (“miraculously”), by resetting the brain’s neural network to its pre-addicted state, an ibogaine treatment bypasses the withdrawal process.

Painful withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings make it very difficult for people who are hooked on opioids to maintain sobriety. By eliminating these two major obstacles, an ibogaine treatment lays a solid foundation for successful, long-term recovery. The only “miracle” we can claim is that ibogaine promises no withdrawals and no cravings for a period of time, depending on the substances used and the amount of time they were used. However, this is only the beginning of an ongoing journey toward health and wellness.

What You Should Know Before You Consider an Ibogaine Treatment

There is absolutely no doubt that one ibogaine treatment can effectively treat a heroin addiction or an addiction to prescription opioids like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, or Fentanyl. But, it should only be considered as a starting point. We want you to understand that we see your ibogaine treatment as part of a broader ‘continuum of care’ for you, the patient. On our end, this includes a complete health evaluation and assessment, medical testing, the actual ibogaine treatment and recovery coaching that helps you process your experience with the medicine.

When someone comes to New Roots for an ibogaine treatment, we connect them with one of our highly skilled recovery coaches. Together, our clients and their recovery coach work together to discuss the specific changes that need to be made upon returning home. And – there are definitely some changes that need to be made. Most people don’t think about this when they come to us for treatment. What we recommend after leaving us is ongoing therapy and or support group that helps you create new habits so you can regain control of your life again.

For example, many don’t realize that they may have to end significant relationships – or at least put them on hold until they have at least six months of sobriety. Someone simply cannot take an ibogaine treatment and go hang out with the same people they used to get high with. It just doesn’t work like that. Additionally, some people may discover that they need to relocate to get away from a living environment that does not support recovery. Or, they may find out that they can’t go out to clubs and certain party spots where they used to have easy access their drug of choice.

Plus, we recommend that clients participate in therapy, attend 12-Step recovery programs like Narcotics Anonymous, or pursue other avenues of support that promote healthy, sober living. Being accountable to people who encourage abstinence from drugs and alcohol is essential to the recovery process.

By eliminating cravings and withdrawal, ibogaine allows someone to regain control of their mind and body so they can be free to implement lasting behavioral changes. One of the ways we believe patients can improve their chances of staying sober is to face the stressors of daily living by having ongoing recovery coaching services. These services are highly recommended by patients that have stayed sober because it allows the accountability of a 3rd (supportive) party that coaches them how to navigate life without the use of drugs and alcohol.

Are You Ready For Long-Lasting Change?

At New Roots, we offer our clients a chance at a new life by removing major obstacles to sobriety. This makes the beginning steps of recovery possible. But, we make sure to tell our patients that the road ahead will need ‘modifications’ once they return home after an ibogaine treatment. There will be triggers. Without proper self-care, these triggers have the potential to lead to a relapse.

In our experience, most relapses that happen after an ibogaine treatment are the result of an unwillingness to change certain behaviors and habits. You have to decide for yourself if you are willing to make the effort to enjoy ongoing recovery. No one else can make this decision for you. If you’re ready to find a new way to live and you are willing to do the work, we’re here.

Begin the Transformation
Explore new paths to wellness at New Roots Ibogaine
(855) 923-0845
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