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Asking the question, “How can I quit heroin?” is the first step to turning your life around. After all, the narcotic is highly addictive and can lead to death more often than not. So if you’re at the point in your addiction that you want to turn it all around and get back to normalcy, […]
October 13, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
If someone is dealing with a crack cocaine addiction, it’s a serious matter. If the person happens to be a loved one or a close friend, you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to help them recover and stay away from highly addictive substance. The good news is that you can – […]
October 10, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
Quitting cocaine takes a lot of effort and commitment - and you need to be determined to get clean, it can’t be a wishy-washy thing. If you’re not all in, the path to sobriety won’t be safe and you could potentially end up hurting yourself.  That’s why we thought it best to give you some […]
July 18, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
When you’re using or abusing cocaine for a long period of time, a number of negative health effects may occur. That’s the #1 reason so many users give up the drug and decide to become sober. But on the way to sobriety, a detox of the drug needs to happen.  Some addicts choose to detox […]
July 18, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
If you want to stop taking cocaine, you need to be 100% aware that it’ll take a lot of work, dedication, and courage. You’ll also need support from family and friends to make it happen. Because facing withdrawal symptoms head on is no walk in the park. Before you continue reading, please take note that […]
July 18, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
Stimulant (cocaine) withdrawal typically doesn’t bring on severe physical symptoms, which means immediate medical danger is not a worry. However, it is smart to be aware that some individuals may be at risk for experiencing things like depression and severe negative thoughts and feelings associated with suicidal thoughts and attempts. This can lead to a […]
July 18, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
To stop cocaine addiction, the user must go through five stages of change, or five steps to recovery. In this article, we are going to briefly discuss each. Step #1: Precontemplation Stage When a person is in the first stage of recovery, they are not ready to discuss or admit themselves into a treatment program. […]
July 5, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
Cocaine may be natural in its simplest form, but after it’s chemically altered to sell, the drug can become highly addictive. Most users snort or smoke the drug, which can lead to a ton of unwanted side effects and long term health complications.  There are a bunch of methods to try if you want to […]
July 3, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
Approximately 70,000 people died from opioid abuse in 2020 in the United States alone, with numbers on the rise. The opioid epidemic affects people of all ages and all races and is a significant public health issue. These staggering statistics cause numerous experts in various fields to search for new and improved addiction treatments. One […]
May 24, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
More than 100,000 people die each year from drug overdoses in the U.S. This is a public health issue that affects all ages across all population groups. In addition to the individuals who die from overdoses, consider the loved ones affected, and the number of overdose victims grows exponentially. In today’s world, so many people […]
May 19, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
Ibogaine is a psychoactive substance derived from the roots of the iboga plant. It has been found to be effective in treating addiction to drugs such as opioids, cocaine, and alcohol. However, there is still a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness of ibogaine as a treatment for addiction. In this article, we will explore […]
February 23, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
As more people turn to natural remedies for a variety of ailments, the use of ibogaine is becoming increasingly popular. This psychoactive substance is found in the root bark of the African Tabernanthe iboga plant, and it has been used for centuries by indigenous people for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Today, many individuals are interested […]
February 21, 2023
New Roots Ibogaine
One of the most important questions today regarding opiate and heroin addiction is this: “Why is ibogaine illegal in the United States?”  Why is it such an important question? Because ibogaine is a life saving medicine that has a profound effect on addiction with proven, positive results.  Keep reading to learn a little bit more […]
November 14, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
Ibogaine treatment is a safe medical treatment clinically proven to reset your brain with no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. It was initially created to interrupt severe additions, but is used frequently in medicinal, spiritual, and psychological circumstances today.  The thing about ibogaine treatment is that it’s not a nonchalant course of action. The medical staff […]
November 10, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
To know the success rate of ibogaine treatment, we must first go over what ibogaine really is. According to medical professionals, ibogaine resets the neurotransmitters and associated opiate receptors found within the brain. These treatments have proven to be an effective route traveled for men and women dealing with drug addiction. Detailed View On Ibogaine […]
November 9, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
To better understand ibogaine treatment, let’s look at it through the eyes of a hypothetical patient. We’ll name her Kelly. Kelly started using heroin years back when she turned 18 years old. Now, she’s 26 years old and fully dependent on getting high every day. She’s tried almost everything to get clean, including 12-step programs, in-patient […]
November 4, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
One in five people in the United States suffer from a Mental Illness and the prevalence of Mental Health problems and Serious Mental Illness (SMI) has been increasing every year. Although the factors that lead a person to develop Mental Illness or SMI are highly complex, experts believe that the low quality of mental health […]
July 29, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
Focus your attention on calmness and increase your personal awareness. Cocaine is a naturally derived stimulant drug extracted from the two species of cocoa plants native to South America. Although chewing cocoa leaves is widely practiced by indigenous peoples living in South America, Cocaine is made in a lab and is also significantly more potent, […]
July 29, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
It is crucial to understand how to prevent others from playing such games with you. General overview Adderall is a synthetic stimulant drug. Unlike most other stimulants, Adderall is made in a lab, and is also significantly more potent, addictive, and deadly than stimulants like caffeine or nicotine. Although the factors that lead a person […]
July 29, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine
Addiction to Methamphetamine is a very common type of substance use disorder in the United States. Although the factors that lead a person into Methamphetamine addiction are complex, experts believe the growing availability of these dangerous drugs in the United States is the main problem. For more than three decades well-funded government agencies have tried […]
July 28, 2022
New Roots Ibogaine

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