How To Quit Cocaine Safely?

Quitting cocaine takes a lot of effort and commitment - and you need to be determined to get clean, it can’t be a wishy-washy thing. If you’re not all in, the path to sobriety won’t be safe and you could potentially end up hurting yourself. 

That’s why we thought it best to give you some solid intel that’ll get you going the right way. 

Continue reading to see what we have in store for you. And if you have any questions at the end, be sure to reach out to one of our dedicated, committed workers using this link.

How to quit an addiction?

To quit cocaine safely you must...

Go in with the right mindset.

Being in the right mindset while on the path to sobriety is crucial. Yearning for a fresh, clean start should be your priority. Because getting clean is totally worth it.

Don’t go into detoxification and withdrawal with a half-hearted approach. If you do this, you probably won’t get the best results - and you might even relapse immediately. 

So, do whatever it takes to find the right motivation. If that means talking to family and friends, going on a self-care trip, or taking a day to be all by yourself. 

Quitting Cocaine Mindset
Make sure you have professional support on your side.

Quitting cocaine is extremely hard - and it takes a toll on the mind and body. Which means you need some professional support on your side throughout the process to make sure you don’t get stuck in old patterns. 

To add, professional treatment can provide you with a stable and safe go-to environment, encouraging good behaviors and promoting healthy habits. You can seek such professional medical treatment by attending NA groups, meeting with a counselor once a week, or admitting yourself to an inpatient rehab facility. 

Fill your days with meaningful distractions.

When cocaine is in the mix, it’s so easy to get high and forget about life. Hobbies don’t matter, you’re in the zone. Running, video games, writing, sports, and reading don’t matter. But when you give up drugs and go through detox processes, you need to fill your time with things other than addictive substances. 

Cocaine Withdrawal Reasons

Find something that you absolutely love, that brings you the utmost joy. Reignite former passions. Bring friends and family into this circle and enjoy your time together making memories. If you have something bigger and better to live for than cocaine, you’ll get through the withdrawal phase that much easier.

Be sure to create an authentic support system.
Cocaine Detox Support System

If you need anything while getting sober, it’s a support system. Getting clean is near impossible without one. Especially when the cravings creep in and your feelings start to twist and turn your healthy thought processes. 

Surround yourself with good friends and family and get a group of sober pals. Don’t stick with your user friends, they’ll only guide you down the same addictive path you’re trying to get away from. If you happen to meet sober individuals in rehab, outpatient groups, or NA meetings, that’s ok. They know the importance of staying clean and they’ll steer you clear of temptations as best they possibly can. 

Avoid temptation at all costs.
Being aware about Cocaine Overdose helps quitting cocaine

Whatever you do, try your hardest to stay away from any types of temptation. That includes but is not limited to other drugs and alcohol. Even if it feels natural to reconnect with past friends and visit your go-to places, try to break that cycle and lean on your healthy relationships to make you accountable. 

Remember, cravings are hard to control under ideal situations, nevermind when you’re in the middle of old habits. Make new plans, turn down invitations with your drug past, and keep your mind in a good place.

If you or a loved one need assistance with Cocaine Addiction Support or want more content about our Ibogaine Treatment Program, please visit our website here You may also take a look at our article Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms.

Ibogaine Treatment Program in Mexico

How To Detox From Cocaine At Home?

When you’re using or abusing cocaine for a long period of time, a number of negative health effects may occur. That’s the #1 reason so many users give up the drug and decide to become sober. But on the way to sobriety, a detox of the drug needs to happen. 

Some addicts choose to detox at home while others prefer to do so in a medical facility under supervision. If you prefer to be in the comfort of your house, this article is for you. 

A little about the detoxification process … 

If you’re on the path to drug recovery, you should know what you’re going to experience during the detox phase. Below, you’ll find a list of things that may happen to you in the first few days of cocaine withdrawal:

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

We’ll be honest, the process can and will be extremely uncomfortable. You should have someone by your side to keep you company if at all possible. 

If you want to know more about the Withdrawal Symptoms of Cocaine during detox, read our article here.

It’s important to make healthy choices during detox...

Healthy choices don’t come easily during detoxification, which is why we thought it necessary to list a few things you should be doing. Like:

Cocaine Detox Foods

Home Remedies for Cocaine Detox

Even if you’re well prepared, you should still take these home remedies into consideration. Be aware of the side effects you’ll experience, continue to make healthy choices, and implement some of these suggestions - especially within the first few days.

Prioritize comfy clothes and pain relief. 

Chills and sweating are very common withdrawal symptoms, which means your body will be going through changes in temperature constantly. That’s why we suggest wearing comfy clothes that can easily be taken off or put on. And add over-the-counter pain relievers so that you can limit the amount of headaches and body aches you get. It’ll help with temperature regulation, too.

Take medications to reduce GI discomfort.

The last thing you want to think of while withdrawing from cocaine is nausea and diarrhea, but unfortunately, these symptoms do tend to pop up quite often. Be prepared and stock up on medications like Antivert, Dramamine, and Imodium. Ginger ale and ginger tea can be soothing for your tummy. And even though it’s the last thing you want, consuming bland (no spices) nutritious food and a ton of water will help you get through it.

Cocaine Recovery Treatment

Be on top of your electrolytes.

Detoxing your body also means you’re getting rid of electrolytes. In fact, most detoxing people get so close to dehydration that they’re often hospitalized. If you’re aware enough, make sure to drink electrolyte beverages and eat plenty of fruit. Keep a water bottle handy at all times. And if you’re not aware, make sure you have someone around that is.

Increase gentle movements.

Jumping right into exercising in the middle of a cocaine detox can be super dangerous, but increasing your gentle movements can get you through the process quicker. Think stretching, yoga, short walks, and tai chi. These activities help remove toxins from the body and they’re a good distracting tool. 

Consider supplements and herbal remedies.

Always speak with your doctor before trying OTC supplements and herbal remedies, but some options are great for lessening withdrawal symptoms. For example, melatonin for sleep and St. John’s Wort for tremors. You can also increase your intake of magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C to give you a stronger immune system.

Cocaine Detox Treatment

If you need any questions answered or would like to seek a different form of treatment like Ibogaine, please visit our site. We have people sitting by the phone ready to get you on a better, more healthy path. 

How To Stop Taking Cocaine?

If you want to stop taking cocaine, you need to be 100% aware that it’ll take a lot of work, dedication, and courage. You’ll also need support from family and friends to make it happen. Because facing withdrawal symptoms head on is no walk in the park.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Before you continue reading, please take note that cocaine withdrawal can and will put a strain on your mental health. Removing the substance from your body will cause you to face underlying problems that the drug may have hid. Not to mention whatever side effects you battle physically. So take these five ‘how to’ steps seriously and call New Roots Ibogaine if you need any help on your journey. 

How to Quit an Addiction?

Tell loved ones that you intend to quit your addiction.

The first step to quitting an addiction is letting the people you love in. If you wish to change the way you’re behaving, tell friends and family about your desire to quit. Ask them to have your back and soon enough, you’ll begin creating a support network that’ll follow you through the journey.

While you’re on the communication train, we highly suggest telling the people that you use with (or used to use with) about your desire to quit. Make sure neither party is high while the conversation is going on.

Quitting Cocaine

Start changing your habits.

The people you hang out with generally have the same hobbies and habits as you do - hello, they’re the friends you choose to surround yourself with. So, if your hobbies and habits relate back to drugs like cocaine, you need to rethink how you’re spending your time. 

Step outside of that social circle. Don’t visit the spots where you use. Try to stay away from other addicting substances, like alcohol, as the two pair together often. Pick up healthier hobbies and habits to distract yourself from the cravings.

How to Quit an Addiction
Rejecting a drink or any other drug may be a first step.

Stop taking cocaine and start taking control.

Positive distraction techniques will help.

Though we do highly suggest adopting new hobbies as a distraction (as seen in our previous ‘how to’ suggestion), we do know wholeheartedly that that’s not enough to keep you away from your addiction. But it’s a start.

Take a deep dive into:

How to Stop Taking Cocaine

Every time your brain thinks of cocaine, do something else you enjoy. And don’t be afraid to speak about new hobbies with those surrounding you, friends, family, therapists, etc. They can help and will most likely want to get involved to help you to a better path.

Listen to what others have to say.

This suggestion is geared specifically towards people who have been where you are now. Look up some stories or search for people near you that have gone through cocaine withdrawal and addiction. Listen to what they have to say, as long as they’re sober and on an inspiring journey.

Keep in mind that everyone is different, so every recovery process will differ. But you can find the light in some of these stories and adopt some of their methods to get you through the darker days.

Cocaine Recovery Process

Dig through and find out what the root cause is of your addiction.

Most people addicted to cocaine don’t partake of the substance because they ‘enjoy it.’ They’re doing it to fill some void, distract from real life, or avoid some responsibilities. That’s just a couple of relevant examples.

On your sober journey, we highly suggest getting out of your comfort zone. Cocaine should not be used as self medication, a comfort mechanism, or a reason to avoid family and friends. So, it’s your job to find out what led you to the drug in the first place, and that can mean getting really uncomfy with a therapist, an NA group meeting, or a sober sponsor. If you keep working, you’ll uncover the causes in due time. 

If you have any questions or need additional assistance on your sober journey from cocaine, please visit

Ibogaine Treatment - Stop Cocaine Addiction

What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms Of Cocaine?

Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

Stimulant (cocaine) withdrawal typically doesn’t bring on severe physical symptoms, which means immediate medical danger is not a worry. However, it is smart to be aware that some individuals may be at risk for experiencing things like depression and severe negative thoughts and feelings associated with suicidal thoughts and attempts. This can lead to a quick and sudden relapse on cocaine.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Cocaine


Take an addictive stimulant away from an addict and, what do you have? Anxiety, a feeling of nervousness and unease. Most people addicted to cocaine rely on it to function, which means that when the drug is taken away, the addict may not know what to do to feel normal. 

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms


When you get sick and your nose is all blocked up, what are you missing? Fresh air, the ability to breathe normally, etc. This inevitably brings on irritability, annoyance, and anger. Well, if you’re a cocaine addict and the cocaine is taken away, how do you think you’d respond? Probably with the same emotions, actions, and reactions all centered on irritability.

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms


Sadness is a normal human reaction, especially when it’s geared toward missing something. Unfortunately, when withdrawing from cocaine, the addict will miss the substance. This sadness can grow and turn into one of the various stages of depression. Be on the lookout for this symptom, as it could progress to suicidal thoughts. 

Cocaine Treatment - Ibogaine

Poor Concentration

Cocaine is a stimulant known for making its users more aware and alert. It’s like caffeine times a thousand. So naturally, without the stimulant, addicts can lose their train of thought and have difficulty concentrating in everyday life.

Slowed Thoughts & Movements

Again, cocaine is a stimulant that gets its users wired to work and move faster. Without that ‘boost’, the person will start to slow down while experiencing withdrawal. That means thoughts may take longer to process and movements may decrease in speed dramatically.

Withdrawal Symptoms


Without your morning coffee or energy drink, you get sleepy and groggy. You want your pillow and bed. But the second you get that morning pick-me-up, you’re ready to get moving. The same thing can be compared to in cocaine addicts, so when they withdraw, fatigue may set in - and it may stick around for quite some time. 

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Once you’re addicted to cocaine, your body tries to figure out a way to function normally with the drug in your system. That means it learns a new route to sleep, wake up, and do everyday tasks. Without the drug, it’s like your brain and body need to learn a whole new route - a detour, if you will. That means sleep patterns can temporarily (or even permanently) change. 

Insomnia caused by Cocaine Withdrawal

Increased Appetite

If you have a caffeine buzz, you’re probably consuming less food because you’re zoom, zoom, zooming. The same goes for cocaine. Once you stop the drug, your body needs something else in its place. Food is the quickest thing to grab at, so your appetite may increase. 

Cocaine Cravings

Every time someone quits an addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, or even sugar, they’re going to experience cravings. That’s just the way the brain works. So, while withdrawing from the substance, an addict will want to go backwards and relapse. They’ll want cocaine because it’s what they crave. 

Cocaine Cravings - Withdrawal Symptoms


In severe and intense cases, sudden cocaine withdrawal can cause the addict to become paranoid. That can include seeing or hearing things that aren’t really happening. Imagining things outside of the reality can damage relationships and so much more.

Quitting Cocaine

Ibogaine Treatment Program

Generally speaking, it takes a person addicted to cocaine several days to outgrow withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, the courses are prolonged to several weeks of withdrawal. 

If you or a loved one would like to be a part of an Ibogaine Treatment Program to reduce cocaine withdrawal symptoms, please apply here today. The program consists of a 7-day internal treatment plan guided by medical professionals. 
Find out why ibogaine and do what’s best for you and your future now.

What is the Efficacy of Ibogaine?

Approximately 70,000 people died from opioid abuse in 2020 in the United States alone, with numbers on the rise. The opioid epidemic affects people of all ages and all races and is a significant public health issue. These staggering statistics cause numerous experts in various fields to search for new and improved addiction treatments. One such treatment that continues to grow in popularity is ibogaine

What is Ibogaine? 

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring substance found in the bark of the Tabernanthe iboga plant in West Africa. Although historically, ibogaine has been used by West African tribes in rituals and rites of passage as a hallucinogenic, in smaller doses, it has been used in other parts of the world as a mild stimulant or antidepressant. In some countries, it has been used for its anti-addictive properties for decades, although it remains illegal in others, such as the U.S.

what is the efficacy of ibogaine

What Does Ibogaine Do? 

Ibogaine works against addiction both pharmacologically and psychologically. It can ease drug withdrawal symptoms and cravings, thereby lowering the risk of relapse. It also causes a hallucinogenic state, which people describe as a journey of some of their most significant life experiences. Ibogaine is most often used to treat opioid addiction, but it can also be used to treat other types of addiction and as an anti-depressant. Ibogaine may be administered in pill form or intravenously, usually depending on the dosage. Many people experience long-term effects from even one ibogaine dose. 

Ibogaine works on the brain’s neurotransmitters, making them more flexible and able to adapt to new perceptions and rewire the brain’s negative thought patterns. Additionally, unlike methadone, naloxone, and similar treatments, ibogaine does not have the potential addictive qualities of substituting one addiction for another. Combining therapy with ibogaine can help individuals with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a variety of other issues. 

what is the efficacy of ibogaine

What is the Efficacy of Ibogaine Treatment? 

Although ibogaine has been used for decades to combat addiction, research is somewhat lacking, making it somewhat more difficult to determine the efficacy of ibogaine. However, the research that has been completed has shown a reduction in heroin, morphine, cocaine, and alcohol consumption. There is no cure for addiction, but ibogaine treatment has been shown to increase abstinence from drug use by more than a year in many patients. Furthermore, approximately 30 percent of those that submitted to ibogaine treatment never used opioids again. Many people report better outcomes if ibogaine is used in conjunction with cognitive therapy. Long-time drug and alcohol users have shown increased benefits from more ibogaine treatments, either more upfront or after a period of months. 

what is the efficacy of ibogaine

It is important to note that, like many treatments for any condition, there are associated risks. Some of these risks include loss of muscle coordination, nausea and vomiting, heart arrhythmia, and death. It is vital that ibogaine treatment be conducted by an experienced professional to ensure proper dosing. Additionally, ibogaine is not a miracle cure. Drug addiction takes work to overcome, but many people find that their improved mental state helps them to work through past trauma, long-held beliefs, and other factors that impede their ability to have breakthroughs that allow them to move past whatever has been holding them back. 

Ibogaine can be the catalyst that allows people from all walks of life to overcome these barriers and begin a lifelong journey to recovery. That is exactly what New Roots Ibogaine Treatment can help you or your loved ones with - beginning a life-changing journey toward a brighter, better future that is worth giving up harmful substances for to beat addiction. 

What is the Mechanism of Action of Ibogaine?

More than 100,000 people die each year from drug overdoses in the U.S. This is a public health issue that affects all ages across all population groups. In addition to the individuals who die from overdoses, consider the loved ones affected, and the number of overdose victims grows exponentially. In today’s world, so many people are plagued by substance abuse and addiction that experts, researchers, and specialists around the globe are continually looking for ways to treat these burdened individuals. Ibogaine is one such treatment that is being explored and, in many areas, put to good use, helping people get back on their feet and free themselves from addiction. However, many people ask what ibogaine’s mechanism of action is or how does it work?

mechanism of action of ibogaine

What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is an anti-addictive substance derived from the iboga plant in West Africa . It is a small, bushy plant with dark green leaves and white tubular flowers, and small yellow fruit. Traditionally, the iboga root has been used as a hallucinogen for initiation rites and other uses. But eventually, the plant’s anti-addictive properties were discovered, and clinics began using it to help people suffering from addiction. Significantly, as with many things, the use of the iboga plant is determined by the dosage. Very high doses induce hallucinations and can cause death, whereas low doses treat addictions. 

what is the mechanism of action of ibogaine

What Does Ibogaine Do?

Ibogaine is best known for its anti-addictive capabilities against the most addictive substances in the world - such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. In this fight, ibogaine helps people find and understand what caused their addictive behaviors in the first place. Notably, the usual severe withdrawal symptoms are also curbed, further enabling long-lasting success. 

How Does Ibogaine Work? 

The reason that ibogaine is able to affect people’s brains in such a way that they are able to reduce drug cravings is that it works on the neurotransmitters responsible for this behavior. These neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, are often responsible for creating a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes these individuals to crave brain-altering substances. This also allows the brain to create new pathways, resulting in cognitive flexibility

This flexibility enables people to open their minds to new perspectives that can help them heal from past trauma. Because ibogaine promotes adaptation, people undergoing therapy can rewire their brains to replace negative thought patterns with healthy ones. This is especially helpful with addiction, as people often abuse substances in an effort to silence these negative thoughts. The rewiring of the brain enables people to achieve long-lasting freedom from addiction by helping them develop healthy coping strategies. Additionally, many addiction treatments cause severe side effects; however, ibogaine’s side effects are typically very mild

what is the mechanism of action of ibogaine

The Lasting Journey

If you or a loved one has ever dealt with addiction, you know that the struggle to remain free of it is never truly over. It is a daily battle for many people, especially early on, although the cravings may lessen over the years. Certain substances can grip people so strongly that it can feel impossible to overcome, no matter how much they may want to do so. There are many reasons why someone may use a substance for the first time – perhaps socially, to escape pain or trauma, or a multitude of other reasons. The substance gains control and creates a tether to the brain that seems unbreakable. But this is where ibogaine comes in. It isn’t a miracle pill, but it can make a world of difference to someone desperately seeking help to break that tether and become free again, probably for the first time in a very long time. 

How well does ibogaine work?

Ibogaine is a psychoactive substance derived from the roots of the iboga plant. It has been found to be effective in treating addiction to drugs such as opioids, cocaine, and alcohol. However, there is still a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness of ibogaine as a treatment for addiction. In this article, we will explore the question of how well ibogaine works in treating addiction.


The Mechanism of Action of Ibogaine

To understand how ibogaine works, it is important to understand its mechanism of action. Ibogaine has been found to interact with several neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including the dopamine and serotonin systems. It is believed that ibogaine works by resetting these systems, which can be disrupted by long-term drug use.


In addition to its effects on neurotransmitters, ibogaine has been found to stimulate the growth of new brain cells. This can help to repair the damage caused by long-term drug use and may contribute to the effectiveness of ibogaine in treating addiction.


ibogaine work

The Evidence for Ibogaine as a Treatment for Addiction

There have been several studies that have investigated the effectiveness of ibogaine as a treatment for addiction. While these studies have produced mixed results, there is evidence to suggest that ibogaine can be an effective treatment for certain types of addiction.


For example, a study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs found that ibogaine was effective in reducing withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent individuals. Another study, published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, found that ibogaine was effective in reducing cocaine use in some individuals.


It is important to note, however, that these studies have been relatively small and have not been conducted using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. This means that the results may be subject to bias and may not be representative of the general population of individuals with addiction.


how well does ibogaine work

The Risks and Side Effects of Ibogaine

While ibogaine has shown promise as a treatment for addiction, it is important to be aware of the risks and side effects associated with its use. Ibogaine is a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States, which means that it is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use.


Some of the potential risks and side effects of ibogaine include:



It is important to note that these risks are relatively rare, but they can be serious. Anyone considering ibogaine as a treatment for addiction should be aware of these risks and should only use ibogaine under the supervision of a trained medical professional.


how well does ibogaine work


In conclusion, while there is some evidence to suggest that ibogaine can be an effective treatment for addiction, there is still a lot of debate surrounding its use. The risks and side effects associated with ibogaine also need to be carefully considered before deciding to use it as a treatment for addiction.


If you are struggling with addiction, it is important to seek professional help from a qualified healthcare provider. There are many effective treatments for addiction available, and a trained healthcare professional can help you find the treatment that is right for you.

What are the health benefits of ibogaine?

As more people turn to natural remedies for a variety of ailments, the use of ibogaine is becoming increasingly popular. This psychoactive substance is found in the root bark of the African Tabernanthe iboga plant, and it has been used for centuries by indigenous people for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Today, many individuals are interested in the potential health benefits of ibogaine, which is known for its ability to treat addiction and other mental health conditions.

health benefits of ibogaine

At its core, ibogaine is a potent psychoactive substance that can have a profound impact on the brain. It is known to stimulate the release of certain chemicals, such as dopamine, which can produce a sense of euphoria and well-being. At the same time, ibogaine can help to rewire the brain, reducing cravings for addictive substances and promoting new patterns of thought and behavior.

Health benefits of ibogaine

One of the most significant health benefits of ibogaine is its ability to treat addiction. For many people struggling with substance abuse, traditional treatments such as therapy and medication are not enough to break the cycle of addiction. However, ibogaine has shown promise in helping individuals overcome their addictions by resetting the brain and reducing the desire to use drugs or alcohol.

health benefits of ibogaine

In addition to addiction treatment, ibogaine has also been studied for its potential to treat depression and anxiety. These mental health conditions can be incredibly debilitating, and traditional treatments often fall short. However, ibogaine has been shown to help patients overcome these conditions by promoting new patterns of thought and reducing negative emotions.

Another area where ibogaine has shown promise is in the treatment of PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. This condition is often experienced by military veterans and individuals who have experienced traumatic events, and it can be incredibly difficult to treat. However, ibogaine has been shown to help patients overcome the symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety and hypervigilance.

While ibogaine is still considered an experimental treatment, many individuals have reported significant improvements in their mental health and overall well-being after using the substance. However, it is important to note that ibogaine is not without risks. The substance can be dangerous if not used correctly, and it should only be administered by trained professionals in a controlled setting.

health benefits of ibogaine

In conclusion, the health benefits of ibogaine are numerous and wide-ranging. This powerful substance has shown promise in the treatment of addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. However, it is important to approach ibogaine treatment with caution and to only use the substance under the guidance of a trained professional. With careful use and proper administration, ibogaine has the potential to transform the lives of many individuals struggling with mental health and addiction issues.

Is Ibogaine Available In The United States?

One of the most important questions today regarding opiate and heroin addiction is this: “Why is ibogaine illegal in the United States?” 

Why is it such an important question? Because ibogaine is a life saving medicine that has a profound effect on addiction with proven, positive results

Keep reading to learn a little bit more about ibogaine.

A Brief History

Ibogaine’s bad reputation goes back to the 1930’s. It’s associated with the olympic athletes of this era, as the french were selling ibogaine treatment pills to enhance overall performance. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that medicinal properties inside the drug were discovered by Howard Lotsof. 

Unfortunately, by the time Lotsof and professional colleagues of his started scientifically testing the drug, the FDA swept in with harsh rules and regulations. Ibogaine, along with all other psychedelic drugs, became a scheduled, controlled substance. 

At this point, ibogaine was illegal for personal use and scientific testing. Even though similar psychedelics like LSD had promising treatment effects, the Food and Drug Administration did not care. 

Today, ibogaine remains a schedule I drug in the United States, being referred to as highly addictive with no medicinal purposes. 


If Accessible, Could Ibogaine Help Treat Addiction?

The answer to that question is yes. Addiction is a widely known problem in the United States, and having one more treatment method to stop the spread is always a good idea. Ibogaine can help many achieve their goals of being drug free or addiction free, if given the chance

You see, ibogaine eliminates almost all withdrawal symptoms, meaning it should be a primary form of treatment. It has the ability to be, so why not move forward with testing and legalization?

After all, drugs like Suboxone and Methadone are available and can work for some people, but may not work for all. 

Quitting cold turkey can work for some people, but may not work for all. 

Options are necessary. Especially ones that don’t have much potential for abuse. Especially ones that are fully natural and can be found in mother nature. 

The national opioid epidemic needs help and it needs help now, getting on board the ibogaine train is just the first step to success.


Who Can Offer High Quality Ibogaine Treatment?

None other than New Roots.

New Roots offers the best ibogaine treatment in Mexico, right across the border. Their program is designed to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings throughout the detox period. Not only that, but each step of the process is personalized and 100% individualized per the patient’s needs, with anxiety and depression kept in mind. 

What Can Ibogaine Do For You?

Ibogaine primarily focuses on freeing patients from drug addiction, but it doesn’t end there. These focused treatments from New Roots can also help patients with all of the following conditions:

No matter what the addiction, ibogaine can reset neurotransmitters in the brain. You’ll undergo a life-changing experience and finally end addiction from every angle. The 90% success rate will leave you feeling confident that soon enough, your problem will no longer exist.


The Process: Summarized

Ibogaine treatment will start by getting to the root cause of your addiction. You will undergo examinations from a primary doctor, a cardiologist, and a psychologist. 

Once the careful analysis is complete and you are cleared to move onto the next level of your stay, you will begin one-on-one sessions with a trained professional and group therapy sessions with other patient participants. 

Once this process is complete, you’ll move onto full treatment, where you will take ibogaine orally for two days. During this period, you will experience psychedelic symptoms, but don’t worry. They’ll sort themselves out. 

On the final days, you’ll be free from addiction and you’ll be encouraged to focus on healing and relaxation.

Best Ibogaine Treatment Center In Mexico

Ibogaine treatment is a safe medical treatment clinically proven to reset your brain with no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. It was initially created to interrupt severe additions, but is used frequently in medicinal, spiritual, and psychological circumstances today. 

The thing about ibogaine treatment is that it’s not a nonchalant course of action. The medical staff trained and instructed to place patients through this type of addiction cure are highly qualified and trained regularly to provide the best care possible. 

These health care professionals know and understand that addiction is real and people need relief from it, which is why they put their best foot forward with ibogaine usage. 

ibogaine treatment center in mexico

Who Is The Leading Professional In Ibogaine?

The answer to that question is easy enough: New Roots.

New Roots created a program specifically designed to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings throughout treatment. Each path is personalized to treat each patient based upon their own individual needs, with anxiety and depression always kept in mind. 

New Roots has a sole vision and mission they wish to adhere to on the path of freedom from addiction. That consists of the following:

At New Roots, patients will be with a trained professional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Treatment is to be done in a full-service, private hospital well equipped with an emergency department. 

The ibogaine treatment provided here can repair damage done to the reward centers of the brain in time, leaving your body fully detoxified with zero withdrawals and absolutely no cravings. 

The safest medical treatment is available with New Roots.

ibogaine treatment center in mexico

What Can You Expect With New Roots Ibogaine?

The 7-day treatment program offered through New Roots is extensive, covering all areas needed to reach freedom from substance abuse, emotional disorders, and a variety of other conditions. To get a list of conditions that New Roots can help you with, call a specialist at the office today. 

As far as treatment goes, here is a day-by-day schedule for your review:

Day 1:

Arrival. Patient will undergo a full medical examination with blood work and liver enzyme panels. A cardiologist will perform an echocardiogram giving the go ahead for treatment. A full psychological examination will be conducted to make sure the patient is ready to begin.

Day 2:

Preparation. Qualified staff members will go over all activities for the day with patients, including one-on-one sessions with psychologists and team-building activities.

Day 3 & 4:

Treatment. Fasting beings at noon while psychologists help prepare patients for treatment. The treatment will then be administered at a medical facility. Supervision will be constant. Humming and buzzing symptoms may occur with additional symptoms. This is normal and will sort out by itself.

Day 5:

Healing. Patients will start to regain strength and go through their healing journey. One-on-one sessions with psychologists and group therapy sessions will resume. 

Day 6 & 7:

Rest. Health care professionals will prioritize internal healing by taking patients to the beach. Horseback riding will follow. Once the relaxation period has ended, patients will be instructed to pack up their belongings and ready themselves for Sunday morning (day 7) departure.  

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact New Roots today. 

Testimonials are available on their site to view. 

If you need pre-treatment or post-treatment options to maximize your freedom from addiction benefits, please see additional services

With New Roots, ibogaine treatment is a breeze. Rest assured that you will be in good hands the entire treatment process. Mental health and physical health are both high priorities on their list, so get started today and become a true you.

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